Class PitchShifter

Effector's subclass for Pitch Shifter.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



context: AudioContext
depth: GainNode
input: GainNode
isActive: boolean = true
lfo: OscillatorNode
output: GainNode
paused: boolean = true
rate: AudioParam



  • This method gets or sets parameters for pitch shifter. This method is overloaded for type interface and type check.


    • params: "state"

      This argument is string if getter. Otherwise, setter.

    Returns boolean

    Return value is parameter for pitch shifter if getter. Otherwise, return value is for method chain.

  • This method gets or sets parameters for pitch shifter. This method is overloaded for type interface and type check.


    • params: "pitch"

      This argument is string if getter. Otherwise, setter.

    Returns number

    Return value is parameter for pitch shifter if getter. Otherwise, return value is for method chain.

  • This method gets or sets parameters for pitch shifter. This method is overloaded for type interface and type check.


    Returns PitchShifter

    Return value is parameter for pitch shifter if getter. Otherwise, return value is for method chain.